
Offer gift product to your customers

Current Version: 1.0.0

Thank you for purchasing our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email at opencartmart@gmail.com. Thank you so much!

What it is?

X-Gift will allow you to offer your customers gift products that could be free Or discounted price based on the Order total.


  • First unzip downloaded zip file. Now get your xgift.ocmod.zip for your OC version
  • Please Go to Admin -> Extensions -> Extension Installer. Upload xgift.ocmod.zip and click on continue.
  • Now please navigate to admin -> Extensions -> Module. Now click the Install button of the X-Gift.
  • Now please navigate to admin -> Extensions -> Modification. Now click the Refresh Button.
  • Congrats! You are done. Now it is ready for adding your gift.

Setup Your Gift Offer

Lets create first gift offer. Please navigate to Extension -> Module. Now click the Edit button of the X-Gift.

In Global setting tab, Please change module status to `Enabled` to activatie the module. Then click the plus sign to initiate a new gift offer.

Global Setting

  1. Gift Text: This text will be shown just after product name to differentiate gift product on the shopping cart to indicate a gift product.
  2. Display Gift Availing Message: It will show the message to the customer how much more purchase requires to get a gift offer.
  3. Message Offset Amount: Message will only show if the required purchase is less than the enterd value. Enter 0 to show the message at any required purchase amount.
  4. Module Status: Enable/Disable X-Gift module.

  1. Product Image Width:Product image width.
  2. Product Image Height: Product image height.
  3. Enter CSS selector:Please enter a CSS selector where gift products would be shown on the checkout page. Example: #content:after Or #content:before Or #content:append Or #content:prepend. By Default it would put on this selector #content:prepend.
  4. Custom CSS: Don't put inside style tag. Just enter your css rule. e.g .xgift-box {background:#2f96c9;}.

Gift Offer Setting

  1. Gift Offer Name: For admin use only. It helps you to remember an offer.
  2. Status: Enable/Disable this gift offer particularly.
  3. Copy/Remove Button of the gift offer.

  1. Eligible Amount Type: Define how would eligible order amount be calculated.
  2. Don't count special Products: It will exclude special products from eligible order total calculation.
  3. Eligible Order Amount Limit: Define eligible order total range for this gift.
  4. Allowed Number of Gift Products: Define the maximum number of products customer can choose per order. Default value 1.
  5. Store: If you want to specify any particular items, please uncheck `For Any` to show the available options.
  6. Customer Group: If you want to specify any particular items, please uncheck `For Any` to show the available options.
  7. Days of Week: If you want to specify any particular items, please uncheck `For Any` to show the available options.
  8. Time Period: Please set time period for this gift offer. Note: Server time will be considered. Server time now: 06:20:50 AM.
  9. Date Range: If you want to restrict this gift offer by date range, please choose applicable dates. Note: Server date will be considered. Server Date: 2019-08-25.

Manage Your Gift Products.


Q. I am not getting X-Gift under admin -> Extensions -> Gift Offer.

A. Usually it happens in OC 2.x. It simply means that your X-Gift installation was not done correctly. Most probably your ftp root is incorrect under store setting. Please recheck ftp root under store setting and re-install xgift again.

Q. I am not able to install xgift through Opencart Installer in Opencart v2.x.

A. Usually happens in OC 2.x. Most probably your ftp information is wrong under store setting. Please recheck ftp root under store setting and re-install xgift again. If problem persist, it could be opencart core issue. In that case you can install manually, check this youtube video.